Every human being must pay some life tolls but those of us with chronic diseases surely pay what we often feel is more than our share. And it would be easy to say "Why me?" and fall into a state of self-pity. When I am down, I look at Frank and Ernest and grin to myself. I feel better and regain my determination to meet the challenges of my life's highway. This cartoon helps me to keep my perspective and press on, paying the tolls and making the best of things. My tolls may be different from yours but we are all here together striving to make the best life we can. Most of the scleroderma patients I know have experienced the frustration of going from doctor to doctor before the disease is identified. Many of us have had harrowing and life-threatening episodes before our diagnosis is made. When you are told you have a disease hardly anyone knows anything about and no one can cure, you need to reach out to others who know firsthand what you are going through. That's one reason I am part of the Scleroderma Support Group of Slidell. From the group I not only receive help that pays some of my tolls, but I give support to others that helps them to pay their tolls and, oddly enough, that is the best payment of all for me. If you enjoyed this cartoon, here are some more |